Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bonny & Ferrol

So... we finally got announcement about Lost Enchantment items.  :p

I have nine items I definitely need back.  I have to go look at my weapons list, though I don't think there will be a whole lot more.  Other than my Crescent, most of my 100es didn't have stellar mods that really warrant returning.  This might be silly, but I would like my Trump ones back (30/30/1 mods).  They might not be useful in raids nowadays, but they're still good to use for stance leveling and they were the first collection I crafted or bought and slaved over when I was a noob.  I also have a handful of 92e Cash Shop ones I would like back.  I don't think I will ask for any 92e Barons, since they're so common now.  Still, it's going to be a project this weekend to type them up to submit.  :\

In more fun news, had a good time helping spam some boxes.  I really miss clicking on boxes.  Now that Cash stuff is web based roulettes, there's no more Raiden or Quinzel boxes to spam.  :,<  And as sick as this might sound, it brought back memories of spamming Alphabet boxes during G1's event.

Give me a "A"!  Give me a "E"!  Give me a "R"!  Give me a "O"!  (the most needed letters spell AERO like the chocolate bar)  Come on, come on!  Grrr, y u gibe mi no gud "X"?  >O

May good fortune be bestowed upon thee.


  1. Good luck typing up your list! I agree, I hope they fix all the unique gear in game. :( Veteran gloves/boots are still useful and those got wiped.

    I totally agree, boxes were fun! Now there's only ring boxes and Leti boxes left. :(

    1. I still need to understand if they want us to list the former enchantments or just give the list of stuff we want back. Like what if I have two +5 2S of something and only want one back and they end up giving me the wrong one back?

      I get enough Vet gloves/shoes from some dailies that I broke the blank stuff in El Dorado. But you have reminded me I need to consider some Necklaces/Belts, but those are 96 ones and not a big deal to me anymore. All my Vet ones were in Quarters so I need not worry about them.

      Aye, very sad indeed. Clickie, clickie boxes got bye bye. :,<
