This is old now, but here's the post anyway:
Family reached level 65 with the addition of the 105th character and vesp and vesp and vesping. Still shooting for that goal of family level 70! 33 at Master 15, 47 at Master 10, 16 at Master 5, and 9 at Master 1.
Got the event costume for Grandies, working on the hair now!
Current post:
~Recruited Nena on the first day of the patch, but didn't create her until a week later. I thought there might be some chance to get Barrack Slots other than paying a horrendous amount of vis, alas, things got worse this week (see paragraph below), so had to suck it up and pay with Feso.
Max: *eyes Nena* That ass is mine.
Laurent: *facepalm* Focus, please, we're on a mission.
Stella: *cringe* Why am I on this team?
~Reached 14,000 BAP favor rate, but haven't opened any Soldier Boxes since last November. I have a sinking feeling that the exchange rate isn't going to be better since T3 is messing up everything.
~Still no 13th Moon Piece, Cain hates me. :\
~10,000 Veteran B Exp cards collected (not on me though)
Complaint Box:
T3Fail blotched my ability to vesp last week by making CAA pk-able again. I mean, really, we've been through this how many times? You can't put this on your checklist to review before you roll out new patch? And they still missed it this week. Too busy thinking about the money they'll make from selling Growth Stones in the Cash Shop. I mean, the most essential stuff like Barrack Slots (for more characters to raise your family level) and items used to upgrade and enchant gears got put in to Feso Shop. Yet, the primary ability to get the Feso is by buying Growth Stones in the Cash Shop. Win for T3, loss for non-Cash players. I haven't been, or at least I tried not to be, vocal about stuff, but today's patch notes was the last straw for me.
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