Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Beginning. Progress. Success. Together.

Was unexpectedly dashed off to Red Wraith today.  o.o;

Crazy things that shouldn't be happening seems to be happening lately where I tag drops when I shouldn't.  Two DH were tagged in my name.  Way weird.

Server has gone rampant on farming Alphabet Boxes.  o.o

I'm just happy for new Pose and Pierre got his costume.  I neglect my Fighters a lot.  :x

 Attended Medusa.  zzzzz


  1. How did you even manage to finish the words this fast and got prizes o_o it takes forever to finish one word for me. I suppose I'm just unlucky.

    1. I'm lucky for several reasons...

      Part of it has to do with the rate drop, it appears that there was a DC overnight where G1 changed the drop rate on those boxes, so I foresee a slower pace going forward.

      Another might have been the words? I don't know if it's different for everyone. Mine were SWORD, EVORA (what the heck is this?), and BARON. I checked this morning and they are still the same...

      I was very lucky to have enough "O" and "R" to get those words completed.

      Good luck Roz-kun! Keep me posted on how you're doing in Illier!

    2. I'm not doing very well with this event as I'm really unlucky xD The boxes won't drop and won't give me R at all. It's so rare... \:

      And words change once a week. When maintenance is going on. I have the same words. Everyone does.

    3. I wish you lots of luck Roz-kun! p('.')q

      I was a bit short on Rs last night.

      Hopefully next weeks the words will consist of letters I have a lot of, such as Zs! :o
