Saturday, September 29, 2012

Foresaken Ferret

Agent Donatella investigates the unconscious body of Etienne after a case of hit and run.  In an interview with Katia, she stated, "I'm not aware that he has any enemies, but I have heard that there were negative comments about his recent hair color and style... perhaps that triggered this incident?"

Be careful Etienne!

In other news, Domi was the worst ever yesterday at Mufasar.  One certain team member was targeted constantly.  It became like a dance routine.  Smash-Dead-Res-Smash-Dead-Res-tap-tap-tap-skip!

Today's BH gave an Artisan's recipe.  No recipes, give me 96e weapons instead, because now they're accumulating.  :p  I have eight out of twenty-one.  Shotgun, Greatsword, Shield, Pistol, Rapier, Javelin, Main-Gauche, Instrument

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